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Dr. David has been helping people with sciatica pain in El Paso, Texas for nearly a decade.
Here are just a few happy patients who have worked with Dr. David and discovered how to stop sciatica pain without pain medications, injections, or surgery.

"I was having a lot of sciatica and back pain after doing some stuff at the gym. And it was bad to the point where I couldn't sit down properly for a long time at all. I couldn't sit down at all, actually."


I was experiencing lots of sciatica and back pain after doing some stuff at the gym. It was so bad to the point where I couldn’t sit down at all.

I was looking at YouTube videos and that’s when I saw your ad. I was like, I think this place is perfect for me so that’s why I came.

Now I can sit down and even exercise again.

I work at a doctor’s office, so I have to be sitting down most of the time. I was taking time off or just working from home due to not being able to sit down, but now I can work again.

You guys are so nice, and make me feel at home. I just love what he does for me and he’s helped me so much. Just knowing that I’m coming and getting better each time feels so good!

"I was having this very sharp pain on my hip. I used to wake up at 2am or 3am because of the pain."


About two months ago, I was having this very sharp pain on my hip. I realized that was probably sciatica. I decided to come to El Paso Manual Physical Therapy and talk to Dr. David.

I used to wake up at 2am or 3am because of the pain, and now, after working with Dr. David, I can do exercise again, I can play tennis, and I can sleep very well.

What I enjoyed the most, and found most helpful was all the mechanical movements that Dr. Davis performs. I really believe that was what really helped. 

But not only that, I believe the most important thing was his knowledge around the mechanics of the human body. And what type of exercises would be best for my particular problem. 

If you really want to avoid the painful and expensive surgery, even medication, come to see Dr. David and his team. Because I believe they have a lot of knowledge on the mechanics of the human body.

"I couldn't stand for long periods of time, it was very, very painful for me to stand for even more than five minutes, it was pretty excruciating."


I had an injury over the summer and went to the orthopedic doctor. He sent me to general therapists and I was there for several weeks. I didn’t see any change or improvement.

I went back to him, and his only solution at that moment was shots for pain. I knew that’s not how I wanted to proceed.

When I came across El Paso Manual Physical Therapy, it really looked like it was working for a lot of people. It’s all natural and here they work to keep you out of surgery, away from taking pain shots, and away from anything that’s not natural. That is why I wanted to give it a try.

When I first came, I couldn’t stand for long periods of time and it was very painful to stand for even more than 5 minutes. Walking and climbing upstairs was quite painful as well. There were exercises I was doing that were painful. So everything I was used to doing was very, very painful.

I was very frustrated and worried that I was never going to get better. Dr. David and Dr. Sam were both so sympathetic and so encouraging. They helped me reshape the way I was seeing the injury, I was putting so much negative energy into it and I had to stop that.

I love coming here because not only do I feel better physically, but I feel more hopeful. They helped me feel inspired, and I realized I don’t have to put up with this. It’s going to get better and trust me it has gotten significantly better.

"I had really bad back pain. Every step was just excruciating. One of the biggest things I struggled with the most was not being able to pick up my daughter."


I had really bad back pain. I mean, the day I came in, I was just struggling to walk. I was walking at an angle crooked. Every step was just excruciating. 

The ride over here, it was just an unbearable pain. I had felt this before. It went away, went to a chiropractor, and then it would come back. I needed help.

One of the biggest things I struggled with the most was just being able to pick up my daughter. She's five years old. I picked her up, but it was just a struggle. 

Because I would feel my back tightening up and I knew I was going to feel it afterwards.

That was a big thing but once I was able to pick her up again, she fell asleep. Now it's easy for me to pick her up and put her to bed. I feel great!

"I had this very excruciating sciatica pain. I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t stay standing up washing dishes."


I had very excruciating sciatica pain. I couldn’t walk or even stay standing up while washing dishes.

It was so bad that I couldn’t even sleep at night, it was the most horrible pain I’ve ever had.

At night I couldn’t sleep in my own bed so resorted to sleeping on a recliner since I couldn’t lay down.

I had tried injections which helped a bit but only lasted a week before the pain returned. It had gotten so bad that I almost went to the hospital.

Now, after working with Dr. David, I am able to walk again. I can even do exercise which I wasn’t able to do before I came for treatment.

I feel 100% better than I’ve ever felt.

"I have had sciatica for a good six or eight years. I could hardly stand at all."


I’ve had sciatica for a good 6-8 years and I have been to physical therapy 3 different times. I was getting no relief.

I went to a chiropractor for about 12 sessions, nothing! It was better, but still there.

I told my husband that I was tired of hurting, I was going to my primary doctor and was open to anything.

Whether it’s epidurals, or it’s surgery, I am going to do it. When I went he said no and suggested a less intrusive option: physical therapy.

I went to see Dr. David and lo and behold, that was the route to go!

To tell you the truth, from the very first session I found relief. So as it went along by the 10th session I had no more pain.

For one thing, I could hardly stand at all. I had no pain when sitting or lying down, but standing up, even going from room to room, I had to sit.

Now when I go to church and I have to stand for 10-15 minutes at a time, I’m good! I have come a long way.

"I was experiencing some back pain, lower back pain and also numbness and pain mostly in my left leg, but in both legs that was really inhibiting my ability to run"


I was experiencing some back pain, lower back pain, numbness, and pain in my left leg.

This was really inhibiting my ability to run or just get around on a daily basis without feeling normal.

Beforehand, I would lift weights three days a week; do cardio, either running or cycling twice a week.

I am now getting back into that same routine. 

I’m able to do it but without pain.

My favorite part about coming to see Dr. David is that he listens to everything. He doesn’t jump to conclusions, he listens to everything I’ve got to say.

Everyone is super friendly, and you can tell that everyone genuinely cares about the people that come in.

"I had really bad, lower back pain. I was crying every night. I was super uncomfortable. And just my whole leg down to my toes were numb."


I had really bad lower back pain. I tried to self-diagnose and it just got worse. I got really bad and I needed help.

It was all on my right leg and I couldn’t even really walk.

I was crying every night. I was super uncomfortable and my whole leg down to my toes were numb.

Now, I’m just walking straight up. This was my main goal when I first came to El Paso Manual Physical Therapy.

My daughter plays softball and I was missing out on some games but I was able to go see her and see the last playoff, that was fun!

"I had radiating pain down my leg on my left side as well as numbness, stretchiness, and jabs."


I came to physical therapy because I went to see my primary doctor and he said that I might need surgery or some shots.

So I said, you know what, before I do that, I'm going to see about physical therapy.

I had radiating pain down my leg on my left side as well as numbness, stretchiness, and jabs.

Dr. David was able to stretch out my back and relieve some of those pinched nerves that were affecting my leg.

Now I'm able to be more mobile, I can stand longer and work harder. I feel that Dr. David has really helped my back, and recommend him for anybody else who has pain that radiates down their leg.


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Appointments and Questions Call: (915)503-1314

2601 E. Yandell Drive, Suite 232
El Paso, Texas 79903

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